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2013 Kenworth T800 For Sale in Omaha, NE

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2013 T800 Image
The Registry, LLC
Call: 833-265-6113
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Mileage 840,806
Transmission - -
Stock # 20446
Estimated Monthly Payment
$1,531 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
Show Me The Carfax!

2013 Kenworth T800


2013 Kenworth T800 VIN: 1XKDD49X5DR359945 This 2013 Kenworth T800 is a top-notch vehicle that has everything you need to get the job done. With its 840,806 miles on the chassis, 550 HP Cummins ISX15 engine with 140,000 miles & 5,000 hours on inframe, 18-speed RTLO 20918B transmission with oil cooler & pump, 3/8 frame with super 40k axles on 46k 8 bag suspension, fully locking differentials, and 3:58 rears, this truck is built to deliver the power and performance you need.In addition, this Kenworth features 24.5in wheels, two 110gal heated fuel tanks with heated filter, all Michelin tires around 50%, heated mirrors, dual exhaust/dual air cleaners, and a Chelsea PTO. It also comes equipped with a new compressor head & air dryer, new batteries, front suspension rebuilt, new front brakes, rebuilt front frame & hood connections, new brakes & drums all drive axles, new 8 bag 46k suspension airbags, new clutch & transmission, new turbo, new windshields, new Webasto engine & cab heaters, new pneumatic blower, & new 4000w power inverter. The Kenworth also has a headboard with five 1100cc AMP deep cycle batteries in box for power inverter, with high AMP shut-off switch & breaker mounted near alternator, a microwave & refrigerator/freezer, 24in wide screen TV, and a 4000w power inverter with outside & inside outlets. This truck is well-maintained and ready to work, with an engine overrun shut-off set at 2250 RPMs, both automatic & manual switch on dash, and a diagnostic Bluetooth FOB, from FOB to cell phone app, & Cummins diagnostic. The original spec sheet is also available on request. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own a reliable and high-performing Kenworth truck. Contact us today! Located in Billings, MT 59106 Stock Number: 20446 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 833-265-6113

· Mileage: 840,806
Price: $108,000.
Price: $88,000.
Mileage 840,806
Transmission - -
Stock # 20446
VIN 1XKDD49X5DR359945
Show Me The Carfax!
Estimated Monthly Payment
$1,531 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
The Registry, LLC
Call: 833-265-6113
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Offered for sale by
The Registry, LLC
Call 833-265-6113
Mention when you call.

Price: $108,000.
Price: $88,000.
Offered for sale by
The Registry, LLC
Call 833-265-6113
Mention when you call.

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