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1932 MG F-TYPE For Sale in Astoria, NY

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1932 F-TYPE Image
Gullwing Motor Cars
Call: 718-545-0500
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Mileage 0
Exterior Color Yellow
Stock # 24138
Estimated Monthly Payment
$1,035 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.

1932 MG F-TYPE


Extremely Rare 1932 MG F-Type Magna Tourer

Introduced in 1931, MGs F-Type Magna was produced for just two years with a total of 1,250 built between 1931 and 1932. It incorporated many advanced features into its design, including an unusually low chassis with underslung rear suspension and MGs first ever six-cylinder engine, providing higher performance and smoother operation than the four-cylinder M-Type Midget. Small six-cylinder cars became very popular in the early thirties, in the quest for smooth running engines with flexibility. The chassis was largely intended for sporty touring as well. They had success in rallies, record runs, and circuit races. This particular example is tan over brown with tan interior. It wears an older restoration and runs and drives well. A straight, solid, and clean example overall that includes its top and side curtains. A rare and extremely collectible Pre-War MG with only 1,250 models produced in total. A desirable and appealing British sports car of purposeful appearance, this F1 should prove ideal for a variety of events.

  • Extremely Rare Pre-War MG
  • One of Few Surviving Examples
  • Striking and Ideal for Vintage Tours
  • An Iconic and Enthralling 1930s British Sporting Machine

· Mileage: 0
· Color: Yellow
Price: $69,500.
Price: $59,500.
Mileage 0
Exterior Color Yellow
Stock # 24138
VIN 24138
Estimated Monthly Payment
$1,035 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
Gullwing Motor Cars
Call: 718-545-0500
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Offered for sale by
Gullwing Motor Cars
Call 718-545-0500
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Price: $69,500.
Price: $59,500.
Offered for sale by
Gullwing Motor Cars
Call 718-545-0500
Mention when you call.

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