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1998 Kenworth W900L Conventional Sleeper Semi For Sale in Wahpeton, ND

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1998 W900L Image
The Registry, LLC
Call: 833-265-6113
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Mileage 1,700,000
Transmission - -
Stock # 68101340
Estimated Monthly Payment
$1,044 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.

1998 Kenworth W900L Conventional Sleeper Semi


1998 Kenworth W900L Conventional Sleeper Semi This 1998 Kenworth W900L Conventional Sleeper Semi is a solid, mechanically sound workhorse with significant upgrades and maintenance since its purchase in 2021. The N14 Cummins engine has been overhauled and set at factory 525 HP, with less than 100K miles on major components. Additional updates include a new radiator, steering box, water pump, ECM, and injectors. It also features a Jumani heater core box and an APU, though the APU currently has a wiring fault that needs repair. The Super 10-speed transmission and tires, with approximately 80% tread, ensure its ready for the road. With a total of around 1.6 million miles on the frame, this truck is built to last. The only thing left to do is paint it in the color of your choice and hit the highway. Located in Wahpeton, ND 58075 For more information, please call 833-265-6113 and mention ID 68101340

· Mileage: 1,700,000
Price: $60,000.
Mileage 1,700,000
Transmission - -
Stock # 68101340
VIN ID_2144542225
Estimated Monthly Payment
$1,044 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
The Registry, LLC
Call: 833-265-6113
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Offered for sale by
The Registry, LLC
Call 833-265-6113
Mention when you call.

Price: $60,000.
Offered for sale by
The Registry, LLC
Call 833-265-6113
Mention when you call.

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